As soon as we saw Iron Sky, we knew we wanted to be involved.
Within 2 weeks of seeing the movie we had produced a prototype Moontrooper and approached the filmmakers for a production contract...The process of turning that floppy old gasmask into a piece of movie merchandise would however take just a little bit longer!

Here are just some of the thousands of photos we took along the journey, Enjoy.
extra product shots
iron sky helmets iron sky helmets iron sky helmets iron sky helmets iron sky helmets iron sky helmets iron sky helmets iron sky helmets iron sky helmets iron sky helmets iron sky helmets
fun art
The Maltese Falcon has landed The Graphic Novel cover Film mostly Noir but with a hint of Jaune This is a hard hat zone Schwarz und Gold Schmokin ! War Hole Our full size bunker set.....Boys never grow up The Last Poster  1 The Last Poster 2 The Last Poster 3 The Last Poster 4 Why always with the negative waves Moriarty ? Rustin Piece Mmmmmmmmooody I'm sure my piles are getting bigger Just simply WOW! Click thumbnail for larger picture Underlit Ossuary I live here you know.....No, really. Snowflakes by Frank Lloyd Wright. Our rejected homepage design. So THAT'S how Nasa did it!

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